
Orders are packed and shipped Monday-Friday. Most orders are shipped within 2-4 Business Days from the order date. Orders placed on weekends and select holidays are processed within the next two business days.

We can ship to most of the country. Usually, you can place the order, which means we can ship.

Free Shipping For Orders Over $100 Otherwise $ 9 (United States, Hong Kong SAR, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Japan, Malaysia) 

A confirmation email will be sent to you once the order is authorized and verified. We begin preparing your order immediately after it is verified. (Note: For some big orders,in case of credit card fraud, we need to confirm your details. Please make sure your e-mail or phone number is correct and available.)

Normally, we ship your package by DHL/FedEx. Please note that we can not ship packages to the P.O. Box or APO/FPO address.

Region Processing Time Standerd Shipping
USA 2- 4 Working Days 3- 5 Working  days
UK 24 Working Days 4- 6 Working days
CA 24 Working Days 3- 5 Working days
AU 24 Working Days 3- 5 Working  days
European 24 Working Days 4- 6 Working  days

if you didn't get your items for more than two weeks, please get in touch with us


Remote areas need more than 2-3 working days

Customs and Import Duties
Sometimes, additional customs or import duties cannot be avoided. But please don't worry. If you are charged, please contact

1. Please send us a copy of the receipt of the customs duties via email.

2. Refund will be returned within 3-5 working days once you receive your receipt.

Email address: